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about: nEUro-IT.net

nEUro-IT.net is a Network of Excellence sponsored by the European Union's FET initiative. It is coordinated by Alois Knoll from Technische Universität München.

The aim of nEUro-IT.net, the EU Neuro-IT Network of Excellence, is to build a critical mass of new interdisciplinary research excellence at the interface between NS (Neurosciences) and IT (Information Technologies) within the European Union and its Associated States. The term Neuro-IT was coined to express clearly that the disciplines merged under the umbrella of nEUro-IT.net form a new scientific working area, which is different from what is traditionally called Neuro-Informatics (NI).The objective is to complement and move beyond the well established NI (NeuroInformatics) or AI (Artificial Intelligence) domains by fostering research that would benefit both the NS and IT communities by helping solve the fundamental problems linked to the emergence and the modelling of cognitive and awareness processes. The goal is for IT to profit from NS results to improve IT artefacts and for NS to validate models or hypotheses with a better use of IT.nEUro-IT.net is therefore particularly committed to

• making known the potential of the basic research conducted within the EU funded Neuro-IT initiatives ALG (Artefacts that Live and Grow), LPS (Life-like Perception Systems), and NoS (Neuron on Silicon) to related scientific communities, to SMEs and global companies from industry and other economical sectors,

• spearheading the emergence of completely new visionary long term research objectives that could fully exploit the potential of collaboration between Neurosciences and Information Technology.

In this context, the role of nEUro-IT.net is not to support incremental research, no matter how excellent, but to help to discover new unexplored research domains that could lead to breakthrough in Neuro-IT in the long term. Building on the collaborative research already launched by the EU's FET programme since the year 2000 within its Neuro-IT proactive initiatives, the network will provide the infrastructure and forum that ensures a close continuous cooperation between the existing research consortia and will actively pursue the inclusion of further interested consortia and partners from industry, public/research institutions.